Cat grooming and why it's important!

Cat grooming and why it's important!

Most cats are kings and queens of self-grooming, but when you pitch in and assist your kitty with their self-care it benefits more than their crowning glory. Regular grooming sessions actually improve overall health and wellbeing, which is why it's so important to ensure grooming is not neglected.

4 Reasons Why Grooming Your Is Cat Important

  1. Brushing Reduces Shedding and Chances of Hairballs

Hairballs happen, but regular grooming helps—a lot! The more fluff collected on grooming brushes means less fur can become ingested during regular grooming sessions. Hairballs aren’t just messy, they have the potential become impacted and cause life-threatening blockages that can require emergency surgery. Regular brushing also helps prevent painful mats from forming (on longhaired cats) and helps to stop loose and strays hairs from making their way onto your clothes!


  1. Claws also Need Special Attention 

Maintaining claw health and length is equally an important factor to consider with overall cat grooming. Long nails can get caught on rugs and fabrics, and if your cat tries to jerk free, they risk getting injured. Plus, if claws become severely overgrown they can become curled under your cats paw pads and cause a lot of pain. It's best to consider trimming your cats claws if you start to hear them clipping on the floor when walking. Another great way to keep your cats claws in check, is to provide something for them to scratch such as a cat climbing tree or cat scratcher.

  1. It’s Creates a Bonding Experience

Taking time to groom your cat can facilitate a bonding experience that can be both good for you and your cats. Cats view grooming as a way of demonstrating affection and trust, and studies have shown that stroking a cat can reduce stress and even lower your blood pressure! When your cat becomes completely comfortable with being groomed and handled, gently inspect her skin and feel for abnormalities that might warrant a trip to the vets. Take the opportunity to peek inside their ears to check for wax buildup, and check the length of claws. Also, ensure that you are enjoying all the kitty cuddles that come with this process and the shared quality moments between you and your cat!

Cat bonding

  1. Your Cat May Rely on You for Extra Help

If you have an older cat, an overweight cat, or a cat that has a medical condition that affects their ability to groom or mobility, there's a good chance your cat will need your help to make sure they're staying clean and hygienic. You can do this by helping bath your cat using a damp cloth or special cat bathing wipes, ensuring hair length around your cats bottom is kept short and clean, and making sure your cats overall appearance is well kept.