Signs that your cat loves you!

Signs that your cat loves you!

Now, we know that you love your cat! But, are the feelings reciprocated? 

Cats are often mistaken for unaffectionate creatures who don't care too much for their humans, by comparison to dogs who quite visibly show excitement and adoration for their owners. But here's why urban legend is wrong. Cats DO love us! Cats are actually very misunderstood creatures as they have their own behaviours and quirks that people often miss, overlook or misinterpret. Your cat may have been trying to tell you they love you, but if you don't fully understand cat behaviour, you may have not picked up on all their adorable messages. 

Let's break down all the signs below so you can begin to spot your kitty's love language!

Do cats actually love their owners? | CatSmart Singapore

1. They groom you

Grooming is a sign of affection between cats, if your cat starts to lick you during cuddles or a grooming session, this means your cat trusts you and is marking you as one of their own! Grooming and licking is the sealing of a bond between cats, and between cat and human. 

2. They head butt you

When cats head butt you or rub their cheeks against you, this is a sign of affection that has roots back to kittenhood. Your cat would have rubbed and been rubbed by other cats and their mother to mark scent. Your cat is now marking their scent on you to claim you as their own. Awwwww!

3. They slow blink at you

When a cat looks you directly in the eye, this is a strong display of affection from your cat. If your cat not only looks you in the eye, but slowly lowers their eyelids to blink, this is their version of giving you a kiss. Keep an eye out for this subtle display of love from your cat. You can also slow blink at them back, to return the kitty kiss. 

4. They knead on you whilst sitting

Another behaviour that developed during kittenhood, whilst nursing from mama cat. Your cat will knead on you as a sign of contentment and relaxation. It is something that brings comfort to your cat and can release endorphins, kittens typically do this during and after feeding to show they are content.

5. They will show you their belly. 

This is another small but very serious behaviour for a cat to display, as displaying their bellies places them in a very vulnerable situation. So, if your cat lays around showing off their fluffy belly, they really trust you! 

6. They purr around you

Purring is a classic and well known sign of a happy and content cat. So if your cat purrs in your company, they are letting you know how happy and relaxed you make them. What a cute compliment!

7. They meow a certain way

Cats communicate a range of needs and emotions through their meows, this is actually a behaviour that has evolved over time due to domestication of cats as human companions. If your cats meows at you with gentle, quiet and short little meows, this is their way of a friendly greeting!

8. They'll follow you around

You may notice that your cat likes to be around you, so much that they'll follow you anywhere! This shows again that your cat trusts you and wants to be near you. They may also do other funny little things like weave in and out of your legs, walk with you through the house, and run towards you when greeting you home. 

9. Their tails will bend and twitch

You can tell a lot about a cats mood and behaviour through movement of their tails, including their feelings towards you! Your cat may display their tail in an upright position, or bend slightly similar to a question mark. Both are the signs of a happy and content cat. Your cat may even do a funny tail twitch when they greet you, this means they're excited and happy to see you!

10. Your cat will sleep near you

If your cat chooses the sleep on or nearby you, this means they really do love and trust you. So much so, they choose to be near you as they can count on you for protection at night. Being near you also means they can keep an eye on you, and protect you too if need be. 


Now that you know all of the many ways your cat can show their love for you! Have you seen any of these behaviours from your cat? Try to be on lookout for these little love affirmations from your cat and reciprocate in the moment to strengthen your bond!