Keeping Your Indoor Cat Entertained

Keeping Your Indoor Cat Entertained

Hello from The Cat Den Team! If you share your home with a fabulous feline friend, you know how important it is to keep them entertained, especially if they are indoor cats. Indoor kitties may not have the same opportunities for exploration as their outdoor counterparts, but fear not! There are plenty of ways to create a stimulating environment that will keep your furball entertained and happy. Here are some tips to ensure your indoor cat's days are filled with purr-fect joy.

1. Create a Play Zone:

Designate a special play area with various toys, scratching posts, cat trees and cat towers plus cozy spots for your cat to enjoy. Cats love to climb, so consider a cat tree to give them a bird's-eye view of their kingdom. Added bonus if the cat tree has a comfortable cat bed included!

2. Interactive Toys:

Invest in toys that engage your cat's natural hunting instincts. Toys with feathers, bells, or crinkly materials can provide hours of entertainment. Interactive toys that dispense treats can also be a hit, as they combine playtime with a tasty reward. Bare in mind though, not all cats enjoy the same type of toys. One cat could love playing with a bright coloured feather toy, whilst the other could get the same enjoyment from a shoelace!

3. Rotate Toys:

Keep things exciting by rotating your cat's toys regularly. Introduce new ones and put others away for a while. This way, your cat won't get bored with the same toys and will always have something novel to explore. This can work with cat trees and cat towers also. If you notice they have stopped using their cat tree for a while, simple pack it away for a short while and either introduce a new one or try it in a new spot.

4. Window Perches:

Set up a cozy perch by a sunny window. Cats love to observe the outside world, and a comfortable perch allows them to bask in the sun while watching birds, squirrels, and the occasional passing butterfly. Even placing their favorite cat tower next to the best window view in your house. They will love it!

5. Catnip Fun:

Many cats go crazy for catnip. Provide catnip-infused toys or sprinkle a bit on scratching posts to encourage play. Just be mindful not to overdo it, as some cats may become desensitized to catnip with excessive exposure.

6. Puzzle Feeders:

Make mealtime a mental challenge by using puzzle feeders. These devices require your cat to work for their food, stimulating their mind and encouraging problem-solving skills. Even hiding some treats around the house such as on top of their cat tree provides a good time searching for treats.

7. Play Together:

Engage in interactive play sessions with your cat. Use wand toys or laser pointers to mimic prey, allowing your cat to unleash their hunting instincts. This not only keeps them physically active but also strengthens the bond between you and your feline friend. Try to find time every day to keep your cat entertained.

8. Cat TV or Videos:

Believe it or not, there are videos designed specifically for cats! These videos feature birds, fish, or other wildlife and can be a great way to provide visual stimulation for your indoor cat. Be careful though if you put these on the tv, you cat may cause some damage. Our team use an ipad with a screen protector and our cats go mad for it trying to catch the birds through the screen.

9. DIY Homemade Toys:

Get creative with homemade toys using simple materials like cardboard boxes, paper bags, or empty toilet paper rolls. Cats often find joy in the simplest of things, so don't underestimate the power of DIY cat toys. We think its impossible to put an empty cardboard box down and not find a cat sitting inside a few minutes later.

10. Safe Outdoor Time:

If possible, create a secure outdoor space like a catio or use a harness for supervised outdoor adventures. Fresh air and the sights and sounds of nature can be invigorating for indoor cats. If you have a sheltered area outside, placing a cat tower or two outside is great way for them to get some outdoor vertical space.

Remember, each cat is unique, so it may take some trial and error to discover what activities your feline friend enjoys the most. With a bit of creativity and attention, you can ensure your indoor cat lives a happy, healthy, and entertained life. Here's to many delightful purr-filled moments with your beloved kitty companion!